I confess every hidden sins in my life and I plead that the blood of Jesus wash me clean.
I soak myself in the precious blood of the lamb.
I come against all ancestral negative forces working against my destiny.
I command every plan and decrees of the adversary opposing my peace and joy and success in life to be destroyed in Jesus name.
I command every handwriting of the enemy to be blotted out by the blood of Jesus Christ
Father, I ask you in the name of Jesus to deliver me and cause my life to testify of your loving kindness.
every decree projected against me I command you to be overturned in Jesus name
I come against every spirit of nearly there and never there in Jesus name.
I judge every spirit diverting my blessings and successes in the mighty name of Jesus.
I command every evil words, spoke at any time against my destiny be nullified with the blood of Jesus,
every curses, spells, charms and projections against my destiny be destroyed in the name of Jesus.
I command any evil mark that hinders my beauty and dignity to be loose me now by fire in Jesus name.
I command every pattern of failure in any area of my life to terminate in Jesus name.
Every repeating program and ordinances working against me, I command you in the name of Jesus, be blotted out.
Every satanic spells or charms that is hindering and covering my blessings and fulfilment in life, be terminated in Jesus name.
I command every spirit that changes by sweet smell, respect and beauty shall no longer operate in my life.
My star and the glory of God shall no longer be hidden in the mighty name of Jesus.
From today, my light will begin to shine brighter and I shall be removed from obscurity to high places in Jesus mighty name.
I come against every spirit sponsoring replacements in my life with the fire of the Holy Ghost.
I decree that I shall begin to experience the favour, mercy and goodness of God in the mighty name of Jesus
Father I decree in the name of Jesus, every evil priest that is calling and diverting my blessing and causing me to weep, let their tables become a snare for them.
O Lord, repair the foundation of my life and destiny with the blood of Jesus.
Every ill luck that is repetitive and seasonal, I command you to loose your grip over my life in Jesus name.
Every strange voice that says no to my blessing, be silenced in Jesus name.
Any demonic agent sent on assignment to prevent my suitors and those that will bring the plan of God to manifestation, I commands you in the name of Jesus, go and destroy your senders in JESUS NAME.
Any king, prince, priest, agent of the enemy that says I will not go, I command you, go for me in Jesus name.
You spiritual wickedness militating against my star from the heavenlies, I command you to fall after the order of the morning star in Jesus name.
I command my star from today attract goodness, mercy and helpers in Jesus name.
Every stubborn house hold wickedness sponsoring delay, untimely termination and rejection into my life, I command you to carry your evil load in Jesus name.
I decree from today that nothing good shall die in my hands any longer in Jesus name.
Every demonic power and agents waiting for me at the point of breakthrough, joy and laughter, I command you to receive fire and thunder with brimstones.
I come against and reject every abortion of blessings, laughter in any part of my destiny in Jesus name.