1) My Father, I thank you for the victory, blessings, testimonies, divine interventions, promotions, breakthroughs, health, protection, provision and favours etc in year 2016. I am grateful to you Lord.
2) My Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, by your mercy and power I entered into the New Year, by the same mercy and power, I shall see the end of the year with health, life and vigor.
3) My Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I started the year with you in Joy, laughter and peace, grant that every hour, day, week, month in this New Year shall be
4) My Father, by your mercy and compassion, move in my own life this New Year. Let my life bring you glory in Jesus Christs mighty name.
5) My Father, as I began the New Year with you, let your presence be visible in my life, family and other areas of my life.
6) Almighty God, show your awesome power and favour me. I command the ordinances and forces in the New Year to obey my declarations, decrees and prophecies in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
7) Lord in the name of Jesus Christ, in this New Year, I shall walk with you and work with you. I shall do that which pleases you in Obedience.
8) Lord Jesus Christ, This New Year, I shall labour with you and work in your vineyard. Send your angels and work in every area of my own family and life.
9) My Father, grant me the grace to be a builder with you. As I build your Kingdom, in the same measure build my life, finances, family, children, marriage, career, business and destiny in Jesus Christs mighty name.
10) Lord, send your Holy angels to accompany me as I navigate the dark and cloudy times in the New Year.
11) My Father, draw me closer as you drew Moses nearer by a sign and wonder and I will draw nearer.
12) In 2017, My life shall glorify you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
13) Lord, stir me up and let me and my household experience your love and greater grace in year 2017.
14) In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, my father, write my name among those that you will showcase as
15) My Father in this New Year 2017, protect, guide and lead me in the way of righteousness.
16) My Father, in year 2017, mark me with exceptional favour before you and before kings in Jesus mighty name.
17) Lord, make me a partaker of your abundance. Make a way for me in this New Year.
18) My father, I receive wisdom to fear you, serve you and be able to make excellent and intelligent decisions and right judgments to advance my destiny in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
19) Lord in the mighty name of Jesus Christ grant me more wisdom to be able to see opportunities and attract my ordained associates, partners and helpers if destiny.
20) Lord, divinely open New doors of opportunities, ideas, promotion, businesses and new contacts that will increase me in Jesus mighty name.
21) My father, my portion of all the abundance, favour, deliverance, divine health, testimonies, sign and wonders and miracles you have laid in store in the weeks and months of the New Year, shall be delivered to me hastily by your angels in Jesus name.
22) Lord, as I move by faith in this New Year, enlarge my coast, enlarge my family, enlarge by bank account and prosper the works of my hands in Jesus might name.
23) My father, change the level of my life in Jesus mighty name. Don’t let me stay where life has kept me = divinely move me to the next level in Jesus name
24) ANY PROBLEM in my life that has influenced the direction of my life I command the foundation of that problem to scatter by fire
25) Any invisible spiritual or physical load that I am carrying by force by the power of God, fall off by fire
26) Every limitation placed on my destiny by virtue of the issues of life confronting me, brake now in Jesus name.
27) My Father, overturn and cancel by the blood of Jesus Christ, every projections, curses, spells, demonic decrees, contrary declarations, divinations and ordinances that will not bring you glory in my life in Jesus Christ’s mighty name.
28) Lord in this New Year, carry me far away from wicked men and mockers of destiny. Make me untouchable, uncursable and unmolestable by the forces of darkness in Jesus Christ’s mighty name.
29) This New Year, I bear upon my body the marks and the blood of my Lord Jesus Christ. No weapon formed against me and my household shall prosper.
30) In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree and declare that carriers and agencies of evil reports and reproach, shame, humiliation, embarrassment and ridicule shall not locate my dwelling in Jesus Christ’s mighty name.
31) I decree in the name of Jesus Christ, this New Year, I shall not beg for bread. I shall not beg for meat. I shall not beg for water. I shall not be jobless. I shall not be naked. I shall not be homeless. I shall not weep tears of sorrow.
32) Almighty God, the essence of the glory of God in my life is that God can do the impossible in my life O Lord in this New Year do the impossible and change my story in Jesus mighty name.
33) Year 2017, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, open up your arms and embrace me with good news
34) O Lord send your holy angels in the direction of my own expectation (mention it) and bring a change to glorify your name.
35) My Father, I command the angels of God in the day, week, month In this New Year 2017 shall minister to me.
36) I prophesy into year 2017, in the name of Jesus Christ, I shall overtake those that have taken advantage of me and run ahead of me last year in Jesus Christ’s mighty name.
37) O Lord, divinely connect me with partners and associates that will help me succeed and achieve my vision this year in Jesus mighty name.
38) I prophesy that my course and my paths shall be divinely ordered to meet my helpers of my destiny.
39) I decree in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, agencies and powers that cause delay, destroy, divert, and kill destinies shall not cross path with me.
40) Lord, direct men to me and direct me to men that will speak to my life and cause my pregnancy of ideas, seeds, children, prosperity, business opportunities, promotion, miracles and stored packages of testimonies to finally emerge in Jesus mighty name.
41) Lord, cause my spirit man to hear your still small voice, instruction and direct me in the path to take this New Year.
42) Lord, you sent your angel to Elizabeth and Mary and their lives changed. In the mighty name of my Lord Jesus Christ, send your angels to me this Month.
43) Acts 3:7 -The lame man at the beautiful gate, received THE ANOINTED WORD and several years of reproach and begging changed instantly. O Lord, speak your ANNOINTED WORD in my direction and change my story in Jesus Christ’s mighty name.
44) The man called lame was helped, lifted up and his bones and ankles received strength. My Father, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, send angelic assistance to help me this New Year.
45) The man called lame – leaped, stood, walked and entered into the church walking and leaping and praising God. O Lord, cause my life to leap and bring glory to your name.
46) Holy Spirit, fill me up to overflowing that my life may glorify God. Count me among those that will stand and declare the goodness of the Lord.
47) Acts 14:8 – The man called impotent and cripple released his faith, received the ANNOINTED WORD and was healed, LEAPED and walked. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I release my faith I shall LEAP AND MOVE forward in life.
48) Lord, carry me upon your mighty wings and cause me to soar above every opposition. Give me wings like that of the eagle to fly above situations and circumstances in Jesus Christ’s mighty name.
49) My Father, within this new month, cause the works of my hands that failed last year, that died last year, receive a divine light and surge back to life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
50) I decree and declare in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I shall be divinely leaping from Victory to victory, leaping from testimony to testimony, leaping from one level of accomplishments to another.


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